The Town of Hudson is updating its 2016 Open Space and Recreation Plan. The Plan’s purpose is to maintain and enhance the economic, environmental, and social benefits of Hudson’s open space and recreational resources for the entire community. The plan inventories local parks, playgrounds, and open spaces, evaluates community and management needs, and outlines a 7-year action plan to meet those needs.
Through the update process, the Town wants to hear from residents and other users of its diverse open space and recreational resources about their experiences. Over the next 6 to 8 months, there will be surveys, workshops, and other opportunities to get public input. Sign up below to receive announcements about upcoming events.
Having a current and approved Plan means the Town remains eligible for state grants, which can be used for new facilities, land acquisition, and resource protection.
Read the draft 2024 Open Space and Recreation Plan!
The draft plan can be found here.